BRCV Holiday Dinner 2017
The Blue ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club’s second annual holiday party was a big success!
The party was attended by 60 club members and their guests. Joe Westfield, chief chef, did a great job cooking and serving the roast pig. Club member Lorna O’Farrell assisted him with carving the pig. Members stayed until around 7:30pm talking and relaxing.
Thanks to Peg Kraft, Pat and Al Adelle, Carol Stolfi, Alicia DeLong, Rock Campbell, Nick DeMaria, Bob Gubitosi, Sean Johnson, Jim Russo and James Martin for cleaning the clubhouse, helping to decorate the clubhouse and setting the tables for the dinner.
Special thanks of Alicia DeLong for donating the table centerpieces.
Earlier that week, Nick DeMaria brought a Toys for Tots bin. He left Friday night (December 10th) with 35 toys for the Marines to distribute. The Marines were very appreciative.