About the IDPA at BRCV

In the spring of 2000, Blue Ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club affiliated with the International Defensive Pistol Association and has run monthly matches, year round and hosted the 2010 and 2011 Pennsylvania IDPA State Matches. BRCV R&GC usually holds IDPA matches on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

Register here for the Next IDPA Match *

*(You currently need to register/login with their website first; a simple email address & your name)

Setup: 10-30AM
Registration Time: 12:00 noon
New Shooter Briefing: 12:30PM
Match Start: 1:00PM
Usual Number of Stages: 6
Average Round Count: approx. 70
Match Fee: $20.00 (IDPA member discount is $5.00) lunch included

Stages and Round Count may vary slightly from month to month.

Muzzle Above The Berms!
Blue Ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club has neighbors, which should not be a surprise to many of you. And BRCV’s Board of Governors, Elected Officials, and the IDPA Staff have gone to great lengths to keep our neighbors safe and to have a continued good relationship with them. One of the incidents that can ruin our good relationships is an errant round leaving BRCV property. For that reason the rule regarding keeping the muzzles of the firearms below the top of the berms is strictly enforced. This has caused some concern among the proponents of the Modern Reloading Technique used in competition pistol shooting. BRCV Berms are high enough to permit a competitive shooter to perform their reloads without any impact to their performance. The 4 Rules of Gun Safety specifically state that you should be sure of your target and what is behind it. If the muzzle is pointed over the berm and the gun fires then you are not sure of your target nor what is behind it. So any shooter who points the muzzle of their firearm over the berm during a match will receive a Disqualification for the match.