IDPA Match Sunday July 8th, 2018

IDPA Match Sunday July 8th, 2018

Setup: 10-30AM
Registration Time: 12:00 noon
New Shooter Briefing: 12:30PM
Match Start: 1:00PM
Usual Number of Stages: 6
Average Round Count: approx. 70
Match Fee: $20.00 (IDPA member discount is $5.00) lunch included

About the IDPA at BRCV

In the spring of 2000, Blue Ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club affiliated with the International Defensive Pistol Association and has run monthly matches, year round and hosted the 2010 and 2011 Pennsylvania IDPA State Matches. BRCV R&GC usually holds IDPA matches on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

I’d appreciate you letting me know that you can volunteer starting 10:30am until about Noon.

My email address is: [email protected].

Thanks in advance.
Jim Meola
IDPA Match Director